Car Crash Chicken with Onions (a recipe)

January’s Car Crash started with a real time demonstration of Tony’s New Year Resolution that being bang on time for every appointment was so last year! Which is to say that when we went ‘live’ at 6.30pm, nobody but Chloe was aware that the camera was now rolling –Tony having nipped downstairs in the meantime, … Read more

Car Crash with a Chance of Meatballs

or: Searching for Stanley (Part 2) Let’s tell it like it is: Tony was hard to pin down for a time, a place, or any specifics of the part he intended to play in the pre-prep he suggested ‘we’ could do in order that this Car Crash Cooking Live (Festive Special Edition) might sound like ‘a … Read more

Gingerbread in the Village (a recipe)

Thanks to our lovely visitors in Wimbledon Village last Sunday – we had a whirlwind of a day celebrating #christmasinthevillage @wimbledonvillage, and hope all those who participated and enjoyed the sessions we hosted with @villageschoolofdance @monkeymusic_wimbledon and #wimbledonbabysitting. The gingerbread we were offering – freshly made in house in our working display kitchens – flew … Read more